The Natural History Museum of the University of Pisa is one of the most ancient museums in the world.

Born at the end of the XVI century as a “Gallery” attached to the Pisa Garden of Simples (the present Botanic Garden), the Museum enriched its collections during the centuries, holding nowadays an heritage of huge historical and scientific amount.

Since the end of the Seventies the Museum is hosted in the Carthusian Monastery of Calci, a XIV centuries building of incalculable historical-architectural value.

The Museum is a University Center provided with scientific autonomy and part of the Athenaeum Museum System.

The Museum preserves and enhances its collections, organizes and supports study and research plans, in collaboration with University departments and other national and international institutions, handles didactic and educational activities. In its role of center of culture aggregation and diffusion, the Museum also hosts several cultural events and temporary exhibitions, realizes projects cooperating with the territory and manages inclusion programs aimed for different public typologies.