The prehistory of Monte Pisano
The room, furnished in 2007 in memory of Ezio Tongiorgi and Antonio Mario Radmilli, provides a survey of the prehistory of our territory through the exhibition of archeological remains coming from sites of the Northern Tuscany.
The main sites are the Grotta del Leone (Lion’s Cave, Agnano, Pisa), explored by Tongiorgi since 1947 and by Radmilli afterwards, and the Riparo della Romita (Hermit’s Shelter, Asciano, Pisa), excavated by Renato Peroni in 1955-6.
The first two showcases are devoted to the Grotta del Leone, in which have been found remains of stone workings of the Upper Paleolithic; materials of the Linear Pottery culture and of the following Lagozza culture and evidences of Neolithic agricultural cult; Copper Age graves and rare remains of the Bronze and Iron Ages.
The third showcase is devoted to the Riparo della Romita and to Poggio di Mezzo (Middle Hill, San Rossore, Pisa). The Riparo della Romita consists in an archeological sediment of over 7 meters thickness which represents one of the few complete stratigraphic series of the Tuscany from the ancient Neolithic to the Barbarian Age. Poggio di Mezzo consists in a settlement where have been found ceramics and stone workings of the Neolithic period and ceramics of the Copper Age.
The fourth showcase is devoted to the Regnoli collection, which was donated to the Museum in 1867: it includes remains found from Regnoli himself into the Grotta di Castello (Castle Cave, Vecchiano, Pisa), into the Grotta della Guerra (War Cave, Villa Collemandina, Lucca), into the Grotta di Tanaccio (Camaiore, Lucca) and into the Grotta dell’Onda (Wave cave, Camaiore, Lucca).
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